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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Post #3: AR Publish/Presentation Selection

After continued research, I have shortened my list of choices for publication to the following three.  One thing that I have found is that most conferences require written documents for presentation.  This has led me to want to change the direction for my presentation.  I initially planned to prepare a powerpoint; but if in order to be published I will be required to submit a written proposal, then I may as well write a paper.  I am still researching exactly where I want to publish; but I think I may go with the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference, because this one is actually accepting presentations that are directly related to my AR Project; "Teaching With Technology: Engaging Students Through 21st Century Learning".  I found one conference that is even held virtually!  I will continue to research and look at requirements and deadlines, as well as work on my paper as I progress into Month 12.  I wonder if it would be possible to submit proposals to more than one conference?  It would be a great accomplishment to be able to present and attend one of these conferences as I would be able to further my own learning on my own topic, as well as other areas of technology as they relate to education.
My Top 3 Conference Choices Are:
~Educause 2010
~Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
~Ed-Media World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications

Week 4 Comments #2: Vandy Vela

I Before E Except After C / I Before WE Except After SEE

A child is born into this world as an IndIvIdual and truly, the first years of life are all about the “I.” The chIld begins to develop: coohIng, rollIng , crawlIng, babblIng, eatIng, walkIng, talkIng, 
Self development is IntrInsIc. 
No one has to teach a chIld …. 
I am …hungry, thIrsty, tIred, sleepy, happy, 
I want…numma, juIce, apple, trIcycle, 
I need…

What has been happening all along is that the I has been met by a WE and yet only in time does the “I” SEE that WE has contributed to meet the wants and needs.

After time the I sees that the WE was indeed before the I
WE were there waiting til you were born….”You were such a cute baby”
WE fed you your first bottle there in the hospital
WE planned your birthday party

Before WE Except After SEE because once I do SEE that WE was there before

Still in Revision


Yesi's Whirled~ said...

What an excellent way to summarize our chapters Vandy! It kind of reminded me of the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. It is so interesting that we must go through life's experiences before we fully understand and truly appreciate concepts such as this. I certainly hope you share your writing when you are done with it. Great Job! ;)

Week 4 Comments #1: Louria Macon

Wk 4 - How WE can get on board to create a framework of possibility

"Starting new projects can be looked at in the scientific method. We start with a problem and determine a hypothesis as to how our endeavor will turn out. We can construct the design of our project. Like in scientific discovery our endeavors will not prove or disprove our hypothesis. It will only support or not support it. When we look at this way we don’t have reason to blame anyone if it doesn’t turn out like we thought it would. Our “failures” are just as important as our successes because it gives us the opportunity to learn and redesign our program. Each participant can honestly look at his or her part to improve the project without fear of being wrong therefore creating atmosphere that WE are working toward the shared vision. In measured school environment it is so easy for WE the teachers to blame administration, the parents, the district and even the students for what is wrong with education. But have we really defined our problem, is our hypothesis a valid one? When we design our project do we consider all the variables involved in our project? What will their reaction be to the stimulus? Did we test it enough times to develop a valid result? Just because it didn’t turn out the way we thought it should have doesn’t constitute failure. It is an opportunity a new framework of possibility."


Yesi's Whirled~ said...

Great Post Louria, and I am impressed that you used the scientific method to describe it! I agree with you that in education it is so easy to blame others, but if we take that framework of possibility outlook on it then we are all contributors. Nice Job! ;)

Week 4 Reading: I Am The Master Of My Experiences

Chapter 10: “Being The Board”
This chapter was probably my favorite one because it really helped me understand so many things in my life.  I liked the fact that aside from the seeing things for how they are, when I choose to take responsibility for my life and all that it encompasses, then my way of viewing it significantly changes.  This year, I will be a leader on my campus and I plan to take the “I did it” approach to leading my team of teachers.  Rather than instilling blame when things go wrong, I will instead take ownership as the leader and work for a resolution.  Ultimately, I am the master of my own experiences.  This is so empowering to think about because no matter what happens, I choose how to react to the circumstance.

Chapter 11: “Creating Frameworks for Possibility”
What really spoke strongly to me from this chapter was the essence of building frameworks with the people I work with.  That if I build on what is possible and create that “vision”, then we can prevent the negativity that sometimes takes effect when people disagree with each other.  Taking almost anything and turning it into a strategy for the good of the order is key when working with people.  I like the analogy of being the board and naming myself as the key player in building those positive relationships with whomever I come in contact with.  This way, there is no room for conflict because I have set up the framework for positivity from the beginning.

Chapter 12: “Telling The We Story”
This chapter only supports what I have previously stated about the concept of teamwork and collaboration.   If I am the catalyst for that vision, then hopefully others will follow with the same passion.  I plan to maintain the focus on the WE and not the I or the YOU, and instead, how can WE work together to better our student’s lives. 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Post #2: AR Publish/Presentation Selection

The following is a list I have generated of some of the conference places of interest for my Publish/Leadership project. I realize how much time and work it will take to prepare and actually get your work accepted into one of these conferences.  It will certainly require an extensive amount of planning.  I am thinking of ways to condense my list by things I know that apply to my actual project and what I know I can accomplish by Month 12 when I will actually present my project.  I am keeping in mind the submission deadlines and also my topic, as some of the conferences are more education focused.  I was surprised to learn that several of them even hold virtual conferences.  At this point, I just need to find the best fit for my project topic and what conference format best suits my needs.  I am actually excited about this project because I would love for my project to be accepted and I would love the opportunity to collaborate with other people as well as gain valuable insight on the research I conducted.  I am curious to hear what other educators are doing on my researched topic.  This way, my yearlong project continues and does not “collect dust” so to speak.  The one thing I did notice, however was that most of the conferences require written papers for their submissions.  This is in contrast to what I am submitting for this course.  I will also have to take that into consideration.  I guess I will have to find the happy medium.  In the end, I think that if I have there is a possibility that my work may be considered for presentation in one of these conferences, then it will most definitely be worth the extra work!  

~Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
~Educause 2010
~Ed-Media World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications

Friday, July 23, 2010

Post #1: AR Publish/Presentation Selection

Post #1~Action Research Presentation Selection Thoughts/Ideas:

This blog will be contributed to my thoughts about how I plan to present my Action Research project. I actually had a phone conversation with another classmate in the course to discuss both options to generate her opinions and ideas.  I will be very honest to say that after completing the Literature Review, I really do not feel like writing any more.  I also do not mind presenting in front of others, so I have decided to present rather than publish my project.  I do feel that it is important to share what I have learned about the implementation of technology in science classrooms.  I also want to share the obstacles I encountered with resistance from others due to the need for focus on standardized testing.  I feel that it was because of the incorporation of technology in my classroom that my students were able to make such gains which took my campus rating from an "academically unacceptable" to "academically acceptable" rating this year.  I am very proud of the work my students did and will work to find a way to showcase it in a meaningful presentation.

Week 3 Comments: Joan Lourenco

Wk 3 - Reading Activity - Art of Possibility 
Chapter 9

"Lighting a Spark. It’s about the kids. 

I wasn’t sure which chapter I would write about but Chapter 9 spoke to me and helped relive a few experiences I had when trying to light a spark. While my experiences are not as grand as Zander’s account of Arthur Andersen’s support and the Philharmonic impact, this story helped me realize that it is important to light the spark and pay-forward from my universe of possibility to our students. 

Two years ago, budget decisions and union seniority policies led me to my present school. I was at a wealthier, more prestigious school and was used to arranging an author visit each year to help connect students and reading.  My new school did not have this practice, nor did they have an auditorium for such events. Prior to my transfer, I had arranged for an award-winning young adult author to visit our school, but now that the transfer had taken place, I asked my new principal if we could piggy back off the author visitation and she agreed, knowing this would tap into the school’s small budget.  I received a few community donations and so the planning began.  My principal was excited the kids at this lower socio-economic school would have this opportunity. Here is where Zander’s story triggered my memory. Not having a facility at our school to handle a large group presentation, she arranged for bus transportation for our students to the near-by State Park (Rainbow Springs State Park) and set up a flawless schedule for the busses to pick-up and return the students to the school and take the next group. I was amazed at her enrollment, leadership and commitment to the students. Zander’s description helped me see how, “Enrollment is that life force at work, lighting sparks from person to person, scattering light in all directions.”  I am grateful to have my principal’s support to help scatter the light to our staff and students."

Congratulations on your grant and on the success of the visit.  It is so interesting that you had such a similar experience to Zander!  I agree with you that it IS all about the kids and that as long as we maintain that "spark", our efforts will lead us to limitless possibilities.
Great Post!  ;)