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Friday, July 30, 2010

Post #2: AR Publish/Presentation Selection

The following is a list I have generated of some of the conference places of interest for my Publish/Leadership project. I realize how much time and work it will take to prepare and actually get your work accepted into one of these conferences.  It will certainly require an extensive amount of planning.  I am thinking of ways to condense my list by things I know that apply to my actual project and what I know I can accomplish by Month 12 when I will actually present my project.  I am keeping in mind the submission deadlines and also my topic, as some of the conferences are more education focused.  I was surprised to learn that several of them even hold virtual conferences.  At this point, I just need to find the best fit for my project topic and what conference format best suits my needs.  I am actually excited about this project because I would love for my project to be accepted and I would love the opportunity to collaborate with other people as well as gain valuable insight on the research I conducted.  I am curious to hear what other educators are doing on my researched topic.  This way, my yearlong project continues and does not “collect dust” so to speak.  The one thing I did notice, however was that most of the conferences require written papers for their submissions.  This is in contrast to what I am submitting for this course.  I will also have to take that into consideration.  I guess I will have to find the happy medium.  In the end, I think that if I have there is a possibility that my work may be considered for presentation in one of these conferences, then it will most definitely be worth the extra work!  

~Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education
~Educause 2010
~Ed-Media World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications

Friday, July 23, 2010

Post #1: AR Publish/Presentation Selection

Post #1~Action Research Presentation Selection Thoughts/Ideas:

This blog will be contributed to my thoughts about how I plan to present my Action Research project. I actually had a phone conversation with another classmate in the course to discuss both options to generate her opinions and ideas.  I will be very honest to say that after completing the Literature Review, I really do not feel like writing any more.  I also do not mind presenting in front of others, so I have decided to present rather than publish my project.  I do feel that it is important to share what I have learned about the implementation of technology in science classrooms.  I also want to share the obstacles I encountered with resistance from others due to the need for focus on standardized testing.  I feel that it was because of the incorporation of technology in my classroom that my students were able to make such gains which took my campus rating from an "academically unacceptable" to "academically acceptable" rating this year.  I am very proud of the work my students did and will work to find a way to showcase it in a meaningful presentation.

Week 3 Comments: Joan Lourenco

Wk 3 - Reading Activity - Art of Possibility 
Chapter 9

"Lighting a Spark. It’s about the kids. 

I wasn’t sure which chapter I would write about but Chapter 9 spoke to me and helped relive a few experiences I had when trying to light a spark. While my experiences are not as grand as Zander’s account of Arthur Andersen’s support and the Philharmonic impact, this story helped me realize that it is important to light the spark and pay-forward from my universe of possibility to our students. 

Two years ago, budget decisions and union seniority policies led me to my present school. I was at a wealthier, more prestigious school and was used to arranging an author visit each year to help connect students and reading.  My new school did not have this practice, nor did they have an auditorium for such events. Prior to my transfer, I had arranged for an award-winning young adult author to visit our school, but now that the transfer had taken place, I asked my new principal if we could piggy back off the author visitation and she agreed, knowing this would tap into the school’s small budget.  I received a few community donations and so the planning began.  My principal was excited the kids at this lower socio-economic school would have this opportunity. Here is where Zander’s story triggered my memory. Not having a facility at our school to handle a large group presentation, she arranged for bus transportation for our students to the near-by State Park (Rainbow Springs State Park) and set up a flawless schedule for the busses to pick-up and return the students to the school and take the next group. I was amazed at her enrollment, leadership and commitment to the students. Zander’s description helped me see how, “Enrollment is that life force at work, lighting sparks from person to person, scattering light in all directions.”  I am grateful to have my principal’s support to help scatter the light to our staff and students."

Congratulations on your grant and on the success of the visit.  It is so interesting that you had such a similar experience to Zander!  I agree with you that it IS all about the kids and that as long as we maintain that "spark", our efforts will lead us to limitless possibilities.
Great Post!  ;)

Week 3 Comments: Keith Lay

MAC wk3 The Way Things Are Give Way to Passion
"Benjamin Zander discusses "The Way Things Are" in Chapter 7 and "Giving Way to Passion" in The Art of Possibility. This is the core of Buddhist teachings as well, as well as a large body of counseling/psychiatric practices. 

After working lots a factory line and retail jobs through my early 20s, getting paid to do things that I really loved was such a joy. I became one of those people who find themselves on an upward trajectory for many decades. I taught college in my 20s and was lucky to be in teaching situations which invited new ideas. After a successful stage in commercial music production, I came to Full Sail at age 32 to teach Synclavier Digital Music system. I had a lot to say about how we could improve the curriculum. Again, I was taken seriously. Moving to Music History and Introduction to the Media arts, i poured ideas and love into very successful courses. Allowing Course Directors to create their curriculum invites ownership and passion. Such passion danced in step with growing notoriety in the field of classical composition and a healthy beautiful family."

But what goes up always comes down. A great boss means everything, I found, because not all of them welcome creativity. I moved up in the company carrying the assumption that I was to do what I'd done in the past - find creative solutions. I felt called to bring heart and a feeling of overall community to an unrecognized and neglected faculty and staff. Instead, I was to be a yes man, not allowed to push back. I was so naive to not know this! Crashing has such a hard won wisdom. 

Yesenia Wrote~
I enjoyed your Keith and I am glad that you noted that these practices are common in the psychiatry and counseling field.  I also liked the part where you discussed that leaving something of yourself is like dying.  I agree that in order for positive change to occur, we must make sacrifices.  I am happy to know that yours have paid off.  
Good Job~

Week 3 Reading: Acceptance is A Catalyst for Passion

The Way Things Are: Chapter 7
I remember my boyfriend used to always say “It is what it is”, and thinking how negative that was.  After reading this chapter, I understand that it is actually more about acceptance.  It reminds me of another saying we used in my field of counseling: “living life on life’s terms”.  Many times the reasons people fell back into their old habits was because they could not cope, they were unable to accept life as it was.  This chapter is about recognizing things for the way they are and going from there~moving on.  This chapter also reminds me of the Serenity Prayer and Steven Covey’s 7 Habits Book~specifically, in regards to the circle of control.  If we remain focused on those things we DO have control on; rather than those things that we do not, then life will be much more enjoyable.

Giving Way To Passion: Chapter 8
This chapter really had me thinking about my passion on deeper levels.  I have commonly been labeled a “rebel” for going against the grain.  I would rather state that it stems from pure passion.  I am a very passionate person in both my professional and personal life.  I do not believe that passion has to always be good passion either.  For example: Anger is a motivator.  Sometimes it is not until someone gets so tired of something that they are willing to exert enough energy to make a change.  Passion is the driving force behind what we all do as surviving species on this planet.

Lighting A Spark: Chapter 9
It only takes a spark to get a fire going.  This chapter is about being available to others.   Finding ways to inspire and share your “spark” that will in turn, motivate them.   It also has a retroactive effect because you yourself must allow yourself to be motivated by them in return.  What I understood from this chapter is about the importance of working together and forming unified partnerships in the “field of light” whether the field be one of education or business, etc.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 2: Winba

This week’s Winba session was about the assignments that are due in Week 3.  Most of the discussion centered around the Literature Review and instructions for getting that complete and submitted.  Resources were also provided to assist with this process.  Also discussed in detail were the AR Status Report, Abstract Page and finally; the Project Presentation.  I was not able to attend this session as I was at the DMV with my son who was obtaining his driving permit.  I have received my Literature Review corrections and am working on those to submit on as soon as possible.  Although it seems like a lot, what stood out to me from the Winba session, is that once the Literature Review is complete, the rest is merely about wrapping up what has been done in Action Research and preparing it for final presentation in Month 12.  I will continue to work diligently to complete each task so that I may reach that point in the near future.  As I stated last week, the only thing I have really been focusing on right now is getting my Literature Review up to par.  I am taking things in stride and enjoying the readings along the way; actually taking what I am learning from my reading to help sustain my motivation.

Week 2 Free Choice: Action Research Sharing Plans/Impact

In thinking about what to write about for this week I decided to write about how I felt I would share my action research project in my career and what impact it would have or how it could be extended.  I guess you could say that I work for a rather small school district.  However its goal is to become equipped with 21st Century technology trends.  This being said, I personally do not feel that my campus has begun to implement all that it could in the areas of pedagogy.  I know that there are only a minimal percentage of teachers using technology as an actual teaching tool.  I would like to use what I have learned though my action research to serve as a model for other teachers’ own instruction.  This upcoming year I will be a mentor/team leader/department chair and will have the opportunity to be more of a “contributor” to my fellow peers.  I simply hope to share what I have learned from Full Sail to guide teachers on how to incorporate technology into their own lessons so that students are more engaged and also so that they may retain more of what they are learning.  I firmly believe that this can be accomplished through the use of technology tools such as Web 2.0 tools and blogging; like I have done with my own students.  It will be up to me to teach them so long as I am afforded the opportunity to do this.  I know that not all of them will be open to the idea, but I will take the insights I have gained from our current reading to help me keep things in perspective.

Week 2 Comments: Stacey Robinson

transformers... more than meets the eye!

Declare yourself to be a contribution.

Throw yourself into life as someone who makes a difference, accepting that you may not understand how or why.

I declare myself a contribution! Those are very strong words to let come from your thoughts of who you are, but it is important that you (I) make a difference whether it is small or big, but that it is a contribution. I must state that I never thought that the word or act of contribution as a game or a gift, but after reading, it is a game the game of life and being someone who believes in a higher being it is synonymous with the idea of having a purpose to contributing to others. "In the game of "contribution" you wake up each day and bask in the notion that you are a gift to others." (page 59) It would seem that most people who enter a career of service, teacher, nurse, doctor, firefighter, attorney, etc. search for this feeling of declaring him/herself as a contribution. The purpose to make a difference/contribution is not for a self reward, but for a greater impact that is seen or not!


Yesi's Whirled~ said...

Stacey I love your example and your picture selection! My son loves the Transformers and what a way to understand the chapters this week. I am glad that you have been transformed and that I read so much conviction in your posting. I also relate with you when you wrote about this course and the time commitment. I too am a Contribution! Good Job! ;)

Week 2 Comments: Lora Cervone

Week 2 Reading - Chapters 4-6

I love the story about the woman throwing the starfish back into the sea and the man telling her it is pointless because there are so many of them. This story can be applied towards teaching. Realistically, a teacher isn't going to be able to touch or change every single student. But even just changing one, or helping one student, is better than none at all.

Yesi's Whirled~ said...

I am glad that you wrote about the woman and the starfish. I had previously heard about this while I was a counselor and I think that it applies to the field of education as well. Sometimes we may think that our jobs as teachers are overwhelming and that we can't possibly make a difference due to lack of resources or a student's economical disadvantages or learning disability; but just like the woman~ if we can in fact make an impact in the life of just ONE student, then we have done our job. I am sure that you are doing your part~Nice post! ;)

Week 2 Reading: You Can't Keep It If You Don't Give It Away

“You Can’t Keep It If You Don’t Give It Away”
I learned early on in the counseling field that you cannot keep what you do not give away.  This is similar to what I understood from my reading of the next three chapters for this week's assignment.
I feel that I am a contribution to many, especially in my field of work as an educator.

I am not sure that I resonate with the idea of viewing life as a game per say, but I guess I like the idea of how the book puts it that you can WIN every time in the game of being a contribution.  I truly believe in turning a negative into a positive; which is what I understood the "contribution game" to be about.
I love that so much psychology is involved in this book because as a former counselor I can totally understand and connect with it.  I also love how the authors connect these concepts to music and art.

 "My students are mere instruments of my will..."
I plan on implementing two ideas from the chapters I read for this week.  The first one is by using exit tickets with my students.  I will have my students write how they have contributed to the class each day during their closing reflections.  I will use the following reflections:
Today…. I contributed to my class by-------
Today….I contributed to my own learning by-----
Today….I contributed to the learning of others by----
Pick ONE:  something that you did that you feel was a Contribution

The second idea is from the use of the "white sheets".  I will place them as a sort of parking lot where my students can anonymously write what I can do as a science teacher to coach them or empower them to learn science more beautifully.

"Lighten UP~Remember Rule #6: Don’t take yourself too seriously!'
This chapter really helped me put things into perspective.  Especially when I think about the professional world and how people get caught in the rat race of winning and succeeding at everything.  I know that even in teaching it gets difficult once testing begins because the pressure is on to perform and it is not as much fun.  This principle will come in handy to remind me that if we maintain some degree of humor in what we do, it will certainly help us get through those rough times.

There is one thing that will always remain constant~and that is Change, so we must remain “permeable rather than vulnerable”.  I would much rather go with the force rather than waste my energy and exhaust myself trying to fight the force when change is going to come about anyway.  I might as well be open-minded and see where it takes me and see what interesting thing may come of it.  It is like being at a concert; when people start pushing and shoving.  Rather than get upset and start pushing back, I just simply let my body go and I go with the movement of the crowd.  It makes for a more pleasurable experience and I end up closer to the front anyway! ;)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Week 1: Winba

     This week’s Winba session provided an introduction to the Media Asset Creation course for Month 11.  The calendar and all of the activities were thoroughly reviewed.  Although there was some confusion about the weeks, it is evident that this month’s focus is on “wrapping” up what has been worked on in the previous months.  The only concern or question I had pertains to my literature review.  I have not received my second submission from the LMO course and although I have continued to work on edits; I hope that the submission I present at the end of Week 1 will meet the standard so that I may focus on the other projects for Month 11 such as the AR Status Report, Abstract Page and the Publish/Leadership Project.  I appreciate the break from all the reading assignments and really like the book selected for this course.  I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel and I look forward to how my Publish/Leadership project will turn out so that I can share it with others and extend on the research I conducted for my AR Project.  I plan on taking what I learned from this project  to implement similar activities this upcoming academic year.  

Week 1 Free Choice: Month 11~Wow!

(This is a picture of me and my Dad in San Antonio, TX last summer:  I have so much respect for my dad.  He was only able to complete the minimum of his formal education; about 3rd grade~but is the most intelligent, knowledgeable and logical person I know!)

A Reflection on 10 Months of Learning...
I can hardly believe that we are in Month 11 of this program!  I remember last summer when I was notified that I had been accepted into Full Sail's EMDT program.  I was in San Antonio with my father and my two children.  We were visiting the River Walk.  I had no idea what the program was going to be like since I had never participated in an online course and it had been years since I was in school.  I must say that it has definitely been a good, educational, but yet long journey.  I am so thankful for all I have learned and I only hope that I continue to be successful up to the completion of this program.  My family and I are planning a great trip to Florida so see me graduate.  I will be the first in my family to receive a Master's Degree.  I was also the first in my family to obtain a Bachelor's degree as well.  I have to admit that I can't wait until I can experience the feeling of not having to rush home to finish projects and assignments; and I can fully implement all I have learned into my teaching career.  My family is so proud of me and I want them to know how much I have sacrificed during this program.  It has all been worth it!  I have worked extremely hard to maintain an "A" in every course.  I have kept up with my grades since the beginning and although I was doubtful about Month 10, I am so relieved to have made it to Month 11.  I only hope that I continue and that I finish with a great presentation that I can share with others and also one that I can continue to build upon.  I keep thinking about the book we are reading for the course and the principle of "Giving an A".  I truly feel that I have earned each and every "A" and I would recommend this book in the beginning of the program.  I also think about what my letter would look like if I were one of Zander's students.  This is a good activity to help reflect on 10 Months of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication!  *=)

Week 1 Comments: #2~Tom Kowalewski

1. Wk1 Reading - Possibilities
"I am paraphrasing from the TED video on Benjamin Zander in the Wk 1 reading: The Art of Possibility, chapters 1-3 on the Full Sail web page, and from the text, chapters 1 through 3, along with providing my own thoughts.

A teacher doesn’t take the test. My name is on the classroom door but it is the students who make up the class.

The teacher depends for his/her power on his/her ability to make students powerful.

In the realm of possibility, we gain our knowledge by invention. The action in a universe of possibility may be characterized as generative, or giving, in all senses of that word - producing new life, creating new ideas, consciously endowing with meaning, contributing, yielding to the power of contexts. Emotions are abundant here: joy, grace, awe, wholeness, passion, and compassion.

A teacher’s job is to awaken the possibilities in others."

Tom I am also an educator and I enjoyed reading your post.  I also take great pride in knowing that I am afforded the opportunity to touch so many lives.  I especially liked the part of the book that spoke about Michelangelo and his quote about marble that is turned into works of art from within once you remove the excess material.  This gave me a different approach at looking at my students.  We must simply work to bring out their inner strengths and beauty!

Week 1 Comments: #1~Louria Macon

Week 1 Reading - The Possibility of Change

"When I talk about technology integration into the the classroom with my teachers one of the first things they ask me about is how are they going to grade the projects and how this relates to the test. However in our district we are changing the way we "measure" student performance. In grades K - 2 they use the SBAR which is a Standards Based Assessment Report. It bascially a checklist of how students are performing one the Sunshine State Standards for the grade level. It consist of 4- consistant/independant,
3 - meets standard, 2- sometimes meets standard, 1 - seldom meets standard, and there is a mark if standard has not been taught.The student's progress through these standards are monitored throughout the school year. The district plans to incorporate this report card to the 5th grade level. This has required teachers to change the way they measure their students. It would be hard for me to use the current A,B,C grading structure to accomplish this. Project-Based learning would allow the students the show that they have consistently and independently mastered the content. I have shared this with the teachers in the other grade levels however they are reluctant to change from the old paper and pencil test. I must assume they are still in the survival mode. There will come a time when they will have to change. Until then I just provide opportunities for the teachers to make small shifts toward a different way of teaching."


 Yesi's Whirled~ said...

Louria, I too live in a "Field of Dreams" and frequently deal with frustration when I feel other's don't appreciate and recognize the possibilities of technology in schools. I commend you for your continual effort to change such perceptions. I also believe that in time, they will follow suit. Until then...I will continue to believe and have faith in them. It's kind of hearing a song and enjoying it and trying to share it with someone only they don't understand until weeks later and they tell you: "hey, listen to this great song I just heard". I guess sometimes people just have to experience things on their own level. :)

Week 1 Reading~“Toes to nose”~PERCEPTION IS REALITY!

(This is a picture of my two teenage kids who inspire me daily
 to "Make All Things Possible")

     I must admit that it took me several readings to fully wrap my head around the many messages relayed in this book.  I really enjoyed reading the first three chapters because it made me realize some things that I had not taken into account.  I appreciate the way the book challenges you to see things from a different perspective.   I like the fact that the book tells you that YOU yourself can become the master of your own destiny~ through changing your own way of seeing and thinking things from a different perspective~ one of possibility.  It also reminds me of when I was a counselor and I taught the A-B-C Theory of behavior.  A- action, B-behavior and C-choice/consequence.   This theory was used to train chemically dependent adults that relapse does not begin when they have actually used the substance, but rather when the initial thought about the substance enters their mind and they relapse in thought, then they follow through with the action of using the substance (their drug of choice).  It also reminds me that behavior relates to other surrounding environmental factors that the mind is used to before a “relapse” takes place such as going to places where they went to before substance use or even related habits such as smoking. Anyway it makes me remember that our thoughts play a key role in how we ultimately choose to behave.  I love how the author goes from writing about music to writing about science.  One would think that there is no correlation between the two, but the author does such a fine job of relating the two.

     This book also helped me to realize that I need to “reconfigure my lines”.  In my daily struggle at living life~ I strive to remember to do just that, live it.  I myself do get caught up in the race for time often thinking: I cant wait till this or that is over, so what helps me through it is taking time to enjoy the whole reason I do it for in the first place; for my children.  They keep me motivated and I relish on the short moments I have with them whether it be a brief conversation or a mom & son/daughter day with each of them.  I appreciate how the book highlights that I am in control and that it is all up to me, how inspiring this is!

     I was in tears when reading the story about the boy who yearned to hear his father say he loved him.  I can identify with the man as I grew up estranged from my father and did not really feel that closeness with him until I was in my twenties.  I cried because I was able to understand that my father also loved me and showed it the best way he knew how.   I will close with stating that I am so going to implement the practice of giving everyone including myself an ‘”A” on a daily basis and see how this experiment works with students, family, friends, and other loved ones.